organizing a warehouse for safety
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organizing a warehouse for safety

Do you have all of the organizational equipment that you need to keep your storage areas organized and safe? If not, now is the time to begin looking into the industrial shelving that is manufactured for businesses just like yours. It was not until I lost a lot of product due to a stack of pallets falling over that I knew just how important it was to have shelving to stack the pallets of goods on. Sure, I was able to file a claim and retrieve some of the lost money, but it had a severely negative impact on my business. Learn more about how I reorganized my warehouse and improved the situation for my business, my employees and my customers.


organizing a warehouse for safety

How To Determine If Your Situation Warrants A Bronze Seal

Sam Gomez

Bronze seals are used in a wide variety of industrial applications due to their price, their ability to endure different conditions without degrading too quickly, and their malleability. However, bronze seals are not appropriate for all types of sealant applications and using a bronze seal when it is not appropriate can be a expensive mistake. Here are some questions that you should ask yourself in order to determine if your industrial situation warrants a bronze seal.

1. Does the Equipment That Needs the Seal Vibrate a Lot?

The first thing that you are going to want to consider is the overall level of vibration of the equipment that you need to seal. If the equipment has a high vibration level, then you are definitely going to want to go with a bronze seal rather than any other sealing option.This is because bronze tends to be able to handle the vibration without degrading over time, which is critical in order to ensure that you are not constantly having to replace your seals, a process which can be expensive and time consuming. Talk to your engineers about the overall vibration levels and compare them with the notes of a company that specializes in creating bronze seals. They will be able to give you the overall vibration rating of their particular bronze seals.

2. Does Energy Need to Be Conducted Through the Seal?

Next, ask yourself if it's imperative that the flow of energy through the seal is not stopped in any way. If you are using the seal in order to control the flow of water or some other liquid, then you don't need to worry about the conductivity of the material that the seal is made out of and can therefore go for a cheaper sealant option. If you are using the seal in order to control the flow of electricity, you are going to want to go with a bronze seal or another type of seal that is able to conduct electricity.

3. Is the Seal Going to Be Outside?

If your seal is going to be exposed to the wind and the rain, then you are going to want to either go with a plastic seal or a bronze seal in order to make sure that the seal itself does not rust out and have to be replaced regularly. Otherwise, if the seal is going to be inside, you have a larger number of possible sealing materials available.

To learn more, talk to a company that specializes in making industrial bronze seals. 
