organizing a warehouse for safety
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organizing a warehouse for safety

Do you have all of the organizational equipment that you need to keep your storage areas organized and safe? If not, now is the time to begin looking into the industrial shelving that is manufactured for businesses just like yours. It was not until I lost a lot of product due to a stack of pallets falling over that I knew just how important it was to have shelving to stack the pallets of goods on. Sure, I was able to file a claim and retrieve some of the lost money, but it had a severely negative impact on my business. Learn more about how I reorganized my warehouse and improved the situation for my business, my employees and my customers.


organizing a warehouse for safety

How To Keep Your Industrial Facility Safe With Fire Protection Equipment

Sam Gomez

Fire safety is one of the top priorities for any industrial facility. Not only does it protect your workers and the public, but it also protects your business from financial losses due to property damage. Fire protection equipment is an essential part of keeping your facility safe, so take a look at what types of equipment you should have on site.

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are a big part of any fire safety plan, especially in an industrial setting. Portable fire extinguishers can be used to put out small fires before they spread. They have a limited range, so make sure to have enough for every area of your facility. They should be placed in easily accessible areas throughout the facility, such as near exits and combustible materials.

It's important to make sure that all of your employees know how to use a fire extinguisher correctly and that regular maintenance is performed on all fire extinguishers in your facility. With proper training, employees can respond quickly and correctly to small fires before they become too big and get out of control.

Fire extinguisher maintenance is important because it ensures that all fire extinguishers are in good working condition and ready to use. The inspections should be done annually, but remember to check to make sure the pressure gauge is in the green zone before each use.

Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler systems are designed to detect and respond quickly to fires, spraying water onto the affected area to suppress or contain fires quickly. They rely on a network of pipes, sprinkler heads, and valves.

Sprinkler systems can be connected directly to a building's main water supply or powered by other sources such as pumps or compressed air tanks. These systems can be manually activated or programmed to activate automatically when a certain temperature is reached, or smoke is detected.

Sprinkler systems are very effective at controlling fires in an industrial setting and can help minimize damage to property and the environment. They should be inspected and tested regularly to make sure they are functioning properly should a fire occur. Additionally, it's important to make sure that nothing blocks or obstructs your sprinkler systems, as this may hinder their effectiveness.

Fire Alarm Systems

Fire alarms alert people within the building when a fire has been detected, allowing people time to evacuate safely and contact emergency services if necessary. These alarms have special sensors that detect heat, smoke, or other combustible materials. They should be installed in all areas of the facility, especially if you deal with hazardous or flammable materials.

Fire alarms should be tested regularly to make sure they are working properly and that all employees know how to respond when the alarm sounds. Additionally, make sure to keep all fire alarms and associated systems clean and away from dust or dirt that could interfere with their sensors. 

Contact a local fire protection company to learn more. 
